
Lacking Diligence in the Pursuit of Excellence

...is the title of my latest piece, residing at my permanent blog home. I've decided to detach myself from this particular site in order to release myself from one more tie to the internet (for I have a bit too many, I'm afraid) and I thought that since I already have an established xanga, why do I need another writing outlet? Enough said.

May 2008 bring many wonders and delights & much beauty and truth into your life (as you seek to realize all four during your quest in this world).



As my last year of high school draws to a close, there have been many things on my mind.

In TA, we've read and are now discussing selections from Calvin's Institutes of the Christian Religion, which has turned out to be an interesting book. Frankly, I wasn't sure how to approach Calvin before I began to read the book (his name is tossed around a lot with predestination) so I opened it up with a clear mind. I really like his method of argument (very similar to Aquinas, whom I also enjoy) and some of his beliefs and thoughts on how knowledge of man and knowledge of God are tied (basically the beginning Book I). I'm not sure that I agree with his position on free will, but I found his Institutes to be a very interesting and beneficial read. And the Westminster Confession... wow! That was a load of bricks, though fascinating. The word "elect" arose quite frequently, and each time I saw it I felt a bit disheartened and full of questions. How do we know who is among the elect and who isn't? Or, what if you're not among the elect, but you've still spent your life in service to God? Or what about those babies who aren't among the elect who die at birth or before, and how does one know if their child is elect? In other words, I'm very unclear as to the definition of "elect" is in the context of that time. Last year, after I read John Wesley's piece on predestination, I tended to agree with him (or at least the belief that I discerned from his essay), that God, being outside of time, knows all who are His, but doesn't go around picking people to save; my impression is that Christ shed His blood for all men, and all men have the choice (you can see where I disagree with Calvin!) to repent, be covered by the blood, have faith and live for Him. Please, if you read this and know the definition of "elect" in the context fore-mentioned, leave a comment.

Another topic that's been on my mind is that of college options. I applied to THI and Biola for the Fall 2007 semester, but the door to the former was closed by divine providence (the Institue was the only reason I would attend the university). I'm really thankful that God has so obviously directed me in the way He intends for me to go; I had my life all planned out, and I think God's teaching me to have more faith in Him through this (plus, I was struggling with uncertainty and, for now, the path is much clearer to me). So, I've decided to do a "gap year" in which I will read many, many books and study the subjects I love freely. And I'm actually excited! I will be applying to PHC for the Fall 2008 semester; I know now that I'm supposed to be there.

Well, it's getting late, and my brain is shutting down, so until my next post---

♥ Rom


Oh my!

I'm really tired of the topic "global warming".

Can't they all just move on to another religious obsession?

This one's boring now. Not to mention obnoxious...

First they don't want nuclear energy; now they do want nuclear energy. Make up your flippin' minds, people!


Captain America Dead?!

It's the end of the world as we know it.

NEW YORK - Captain America has undertaken his last mission — at least for now. The venerable superhero is killed in the issue of his namesake comic that hit stands Wednesday, the Daily News reported.

On the new edition's pages, a sniper shoots down the shield-wielding hero as he leaves a courthouse, according to the newspaper.

It ends a long run for the stars-and-stripes-wearing character, created in 1941 to incarnate patriotic feeling during World War II. Over the years, an estimated 210 million copies of "Captain America" comic books, published by New York-based Marvel Entertainment Inc., have been sold in a total of 75 countries.

But resurrections are not unknown in the world of comics, and Marvel Entertainment editor in chief Joe Quesada said a Captain America comeback wasn't impossible.

Still, the character's death came as a blow to co-creator Joe Simon.

"We really need him now," said Simon, 93, who worked with artist Jack Kirby to devise Captain America as a foe for Adolf Hitler.

According to the comic, the superhero was spawned when a scrawny arts student named Steve Rogers, ineligible for the army because of his poor health but eager to serve his country, agreed to a "Super Soldier Serum" injection. The substance made him a paragon of physical perfection, armed only with his shield, his strength, his smarts and a command of martial arts.

In the comic-book universe, death is not always final. But even if Captain America turns out to have met his end in print, he may not disappear entirely: Marvel has said it is developing a Captain America movie.

Copyright 2007 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.



Art: beautiful, harmonious, awe-inspiring, contemplative.

"Modern" art. Not beautiful or inspirational by any means. An expensively wrought imitation of something common and ugly. And used for a terrible purpose (it's a gold version of an out-dated "coke spoon"; yuck!).

What is wrong with people today? I know they're not educated properly, but this object is considered to be a reflection on pop culture! Ouch...