
Too Far

Liberal Democrats in the Senate have gone way too far. I just got an e-mail from John Kerry that just sent me over the edge of tolerance. "What are you doing, being a member of johnkerry.com?" you may ask...it's a long story...I'll tell it later. He says that,
"The Republican Party's leaders have set America on an extraordinarily dangerous path. We are no longer just debating the merits of one policy over another. It's far more fundamental than that. The far right seems set on a path that challenges the fundamentals of how we make our democracy work best for all of us. I can't literally sit in your living room and talk about what's going on and how we need to rise to the occasion. So, I've chosen the next best thing, recording a video message that I hope each and every member of the johnkerry.com community will take the time to watch.


It's essential for us to come together right now because, every day, Republican leaders are crossing lines that should never be crossed:

* The line that says a leader in the House of Representatives should never carelessly threaten or intimidate federal judges.
* The line that says a leader in the Senate should never accuse those who disagree with his political tactics of waging a war against people of faith.
* The line that says respect for core constitutional principles should never be undermined by a political party's quest for power.
* And, most important of all, the line that says a political party's leaders should never let their obsession with amassing power overwhelm the needs and interests of America's families.
Okay, first of all, I don't know where these Liberal get their dillusions, but we are not a democracy. We're a democratic REPUBLIC. And secondly, does he give any examples of when Republican leaders have "crossed the line"? No, of course not.

I am so sick and tired of Democrats acting like hypocrites to cover their butts, so they won't look as horrible as they really are. Why don't they just get themselves back to the Senate floor and actually DO something about the problems that they are supposedly facing (i.e., the problems that they're going around the country complaining about)? They're too stupid to know what to do or they're too scared of something. I swear, moving to Danger Island may not be such a bad idea after all. No stupid liberals to deal with.


Good Show

I saw Torrey Theatre Club's performance of Shakespeare's "The Taming of the Shrew", and it was very good. I enjoyed it very much. Well, it was my first "stage" show, but I had a good time; all the actors were perfect for their roles and they did an excellent job! Props to you guys (and gals)! Even though it was their first performance, it was fantastic. Before, I had only seen a sort of film version which is "Kiss Me Kate" with Howard Keel and Katherine Greyson (sp?). The actors in last night's performance were very funny and they played the story out beautifully. This is coming from a non-experienced fan of the stage, but I thought it was great. More entertaining than "Kiss Me Kate" (remember, that was a musical and was meant to be a sort of comedy, but I liked this one---the original story---much better! of course, the original is always much better than the take-off).
End Transmission.


I am official (haha)

The University of Blogging

Presents to

An Honorary
Bachelor of
Self Portraiture

Majoring in
Psychotic Ranting
Dr. GoQuiz.com


Blogging Degree
From Go-Quiz.com


Quote of Last Week

Sorry I didn't get this in on time...but this quote is for last week. And here it is (okay, if you're a liberal, don't read it):

If guns kill, spoons make Michael Moore fat.

(quote courtesy of rightwingstuff.com)

This is personally insulting to Mr. Moore, one may say, but I don't feel real bad about it because he has personally insulted the country and values I hold dear. End of transmission.