
It is found

While rummaging through my desk, I found a composition book that wasn't being used for any specific purpose, so I decided to use it as my blog journal. Between the time that I found it last night and the time I fell asleep at I produced one post ^_^.

Upon learning that among the first assignments for the semester was the task of re-listening to the Hermeneutics lectures, I became a bit irritated because I thought I already know all this stuff and Torrey helps pound it in...why do I have to listen to them again? Fortunately, I've been blessed with parents who have always taught me to directly interpret texts: whatever the author says is exactly what he or she means, and not to personally interpret their words to apply to myself only. As I stated before, Torrey hast also pounded this into me --- to look at the context of what the author has writtenand directly interpret that text from there. After listening to the first two lectures, I realized that this refreshing of my miniscual hermeneutics knowledge will help me to clearly understand the knowledge previously instilled in me.
I'm thinking of going into constitutional law, and as Walt Russel mentions, how to interpret that particular document is quite a big issue. I believe that is should be directly interpreted according to the author's original intent (which I have better understood through my reading of the Federalist and Anti-Federalist papers). If one persists in relatively interpreting law, why follow it at all if each individual person is going to follow it as they see fit?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Right on. I agree, the science of interpretation or hermeneutics is at the very heart of understanding a document, book or legal instrument. Without careful attention to taking words in context a document or other writing can be used for a self-serving pretext. It is intellectually dishonest to distort the words or purpose of an author to win an arguement. Honesty and truth are essential for understanding and clarity. Seek truth first and let the chips fall wherever they may.
