

The general notion that men are frustrating has a whole new meaning for me. I understand the feelings of every woman who experiences the reality of that statement much clearer now that I have truly experienced it for myself. (This experience ocurred a few days ago---Sunday night actually---and I don't think I've ever had such a frustrating time)

"Silence is Golden" also rings truer for me as well, especially to-day; if the people around you aren't talking, the tv or radio is, or maybe the bloody jackhammer down the street, or the screaming child in the restaurant --- all resounding in a giant NO! to my question: can't there ever be silence?
I know, I'm probably over-reacting, but I deeply and truly feel like I can hardly ever find silence anywhere. Everyone, it seems, feels this terrible need to fill up space.
Yes, I admit, I need to release things orally sometimes. Which, inturn, makes me a bit of a hypocrite, eh? Everything eventually comes back around to bite one in the butt, to put it vulgarly.

over and out



Yesterday was my first blog anniversary! I've had this blog for one whole year now. And ironically, my first real post was on the Superbowl.

This isn't important or anything, but I just thought I'd share it.

over and out


"Turner blasts Fox Network"

This is a pretty old article, but it hasn't lost its comic value yet for me, so I thought I'd share it with...you all.
It was taken from The Californian's "Back Page" in which all articles or clips possessing a strange nature are printed.

(AP) --- Cable news pioneer Ted Turner used an apperance before a group of TV executives to criticize the Fox network as a "propaganda voice" of the Bush administration and to compare Fox News Channel's popularity to Adolf Hitler's rise to power in Germany before World War II.

Turner, 66, in a speech Tuesday (whenever that was) before about 1,000 people at the National Association of Television Programming Executives targeted "gigantic companies whose agenda goes beyond broadcasting" for timidity in challenging the Bush White House.
"There's one network, Fox, that's a propaganda voice for them," Turner said. "It's certainly legal. But it does pose problems for our democracy (it's a republic, I say once again...) when the news is 'dumbed-down.'" (no comment..)

Fox News in New York issued a statement Tuesday saying, "Ted is understandably bitter having lost his ratings, his network, and now his mind --- we wish him well."

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The word's the limit

I've reached the limit in how many books I can put on my favourites list on my profile.


For the most part, I've liked every book I ever read. Except for two. That shall not be named. Oh, maybe three. Nevermind.

That reminds me...
Our Barnes and Noble (no Borders! what am I to do??) has the worst selection of books because it's too small for our rapidly growing area. They only had one copy left of "Frankenstein" and had no copies of "A Tale of Two Cities". Borders should move in here and give them some competition. Ah well. At least we're blessed with a major bookstore, so we can order things if we need them.


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