

The general notion that men are frustrating has a whole new meaning for me. I understand the feelings of every woman who experiences the reality of that statement much clearer now that I have truly experienced it for myself. (This experience ocurred a few days ago---Sunday night actually---and I don't think I've ever had such a frustrating time)

"Silence is Golden" also rings truer for me as well, especially to-day; if the people around you aren't talking, the tv or radio is, or maybe the bloody jackhammer down the street, or the screaming child in the restaurant --- all resounding in a giant NO! to my question: can't there ever be silence?
I know, I'm probably over-reacting, but I deeply and truly feel like I can hardly ever find silence anywhere. Everyone, it seems, feels this terrible need to fill up space.
Yes, I admit, I need to release things orally sometimes. Which, inturn, makes me a bit of a hypocrite, eh? Everything eventually comes back around to bite one in the butt, to put it vulgarly.

over and out


~A4O~ said...

Silence is golden, thats why I like to write. Nice poat...

~A4O~ said...

I meant nice post...