
The Republic

alrighty...I am announcing that I shall be picking of the Republic again ! Yay ! soo...I shall be posting about it soon, and I shall be posting about discussion stuff too (after the darn Précis is finished...ack). Soo, yep, that's about it :}


President's Day

.......for most people it means a four day weekend or a wonderful holiday from homework, but (even though I am enjoying this being a holiday) I'm not satisfied with just viewing it as a "holiday". Why do we celebrate President's Day? To honour the Presidents who served their country, or just so we don't have to celebrate Lincoln's and Washington's birthdays? I remember that when I was in school, we did actually celebrate Lincoln and Washington's birthdays (not with a holiday, but in class). But what happened to those holidays? We celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. Day more then we celebrate our former President's birthdays...not that I wish people would not honour Dr. King, for he played a great part in the Civil Rights Movement, but what about Lincoln....he had a big hand in freeing black people from slavery, did he not? I think if we're going to celebrate Dr. King, we should also celebrate those others who fought just as hard for their civil rights like Rosa Parks, and Harriet Tubman and other leading figures in the civil rights movement. And what about Washington, our nation's first President (yes, the first) and a great Revolutionary War general? Do they not teach children about Lincoln and Washington in school anymore?


just for fun

You know those quizzes that are all over the place: "What year do you belong in?" or "What's your style?" Well, I took one just for fun, the "Which action-movie star are you?" and guess what came up...

Which Action Star Are You? Find out @ She's Crafty

Surprise! Heck, I'd rather be Indy than Bond or Neo...Why? One, I'd rather live in Indy's time, two, he gets to fight Nazis, and three, he's an archeologist! How cool is that? Yes, I know, Bond works for the British Secret Service, and Neo is fighting to save the world and has the coolest fighting techniques, but I think Indy tops 'em all. (excluding, of course, Luke Skywalker and the Saint, Simon Templar).



When St. Valentine's day comes around, I always sort of feel lonely or left out of a cool holiday that is for couples, but then I get to thinking...and remind myself..."what the heck are you thinking?? the Prince of your heart is just waiting there for you to notice Him so that He can give His love to you, and you're feeling lonely??" This book, Authentic Beauty, has really opened my eyes to a "side" (if you will) of God that I had heard about but hadn't really thought about. It really helps one to realize that Jesus wants you, your heart, your love, all of you! And you're looking around for a temporary, earthly love? I mean, I know it is the most wonderful feeling in the world to know that you've found your true love and they've found you...but the love Jesus can give is eternal, true, and unconditional. He paid the ultimate price in order for you to have a personal relationship with Him, and you just sit there ignoring Him. I know I do this, and being the romantic, sensitive softie I am, I start to cry because I know it deeply hurts Him...I am trying to get better...but I just have to keep reminding myself and spending more time with Him, talking and learning, for that is the only way a relationship can deepen and progress.


Quote of the Week

Okay, this is, well, it's not awe inspiring or "great" or anything, but I like it. I saw it on the back of a car on the freeway. Here it is:

Eat Beef. The West wasn't won on salad.

That is so classic...but I won't go into listing my favorite bumper stickers now...


Many thoughts...

Ah, yesterday's discussion of John 2:1-12 sent my mind into a whir. It was sort of "Chuck Missler style", if you will, by going into how this connects to that and how that symbolizes this...phew, that was SO fun! Seriously, that was a really great discussion. These are my conclusions from this discussion:
I think the purification pots full of water, and then that water turning into excellent wine, symbolises (this is my own opinion, remember) the sinful man being purified by the blood of Jesus, and how supposedly the best wine was already served first but how the wine being served last was the best is (now remember, I came to these conclusions with much help from other people, not by myself) a symbol of His second coming; we thought that His first coming to this Earth was good, but the best is for last. And then how Mary had faith that Jesus would do something about the situation, I think that's a symbol of our being able to participate in that glorious second coming by having faith and believing in Jesus that He will see us through to that day. Now, the question we were left with.......the deeper meaning of John 6:53. I am truly looking forward to that discussion.
I remember thinking in class, that wow, if THI is like this, I want to go...really bad. I mean, the Bible is interesting just by itself, but understanding it like this or attempting to analyse it makes reading it even more fun. :}
Now which RE question to pick.......


The Win

Woohoo! The Patriots won the Superbowl, for their third time in four years. Why am I excited? One, because I wanted them to win (I don't particularly care for the Eagles), and two because they played an consistently accurate game. Their defense was spectacular, and after a shaky start in the first quarter, the offense got into the game along with their quarterback, Tom Brady. Brady is an excellent quarterback who, like many of the great quarterbacks of the NFL (Joe Montana, Brett Favre, and more), can throw to anybody who's open and is pretty consistent in the accuracy of his passes. Of course one cannot forget Tedy Bruschi, Corey Dillion, Deion Branch, Kevin Faulk, Adam Vinatieri, and all the other great players who made the game interesting and a win, for they all deserve equal credit for working together extremely well. And last but not least, all of the coaches deserve the credit for keeping the well-oiled machine of the Patriots well-oiled and in great shape. You guys rocked!! And congrats to Deion Branch for winning Superbowl MVP. Good job dude.


Okey dokey....Welcome to my blog: Seeking Truth ! I will start to post soon :}