

When St. Valentine's day comes around, I always sort of feel lonely or left out of a cool holiday that is for couples, but then I get to thinking...and remind myself..."what the heck are you thinking?? the Prince of your heart is just waiting there for you to notice Him so that He can give His love to you, and you're feeling lonely??" This book, Authentic Beauty, has really opened my eyes to a "side" (if you will) of God that I had heard about but hadn't really thought about. It really helps one to realize that Jesus wants you, your heart, your love, all of you! And you're looking around for a temporary, earthly love? I mean, I know it is the most wonderful feeling in the world to know that you've found your true love and they've found you...but the love Jesus can give is eternal, true, and unconditional. He paid the ultimate price in order for you to have a personal relationship with Him, and you just sit there ignoring Him. I know I do this, and being the romantic, sensitive softie I am, I start to cry because I know it deeply hurts Him...I am trying to get better...but I just have to keep reminding myself and spending more time with Him, talking and learning, for that is the only way a relationship can deepen and progress.

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