

Okay, I sort of made a mistake in one of my last posts. When I said, "Aren't they the American Civil Liberties Union? Ooh, nevermind. They're civil liberties. So rests my case, well, not really," the case is not rested because I found a definition of "civil" from the American Heritage Dictionary (Fourth Edition) and here's what it said:
  1. Law. Relating to the rights of private individuals and legal proceedings concerning these rights as distinguished from criminal, military, or international regulations or proceedings
Aha! So why isn't the ACLU intervening in the Schiavo case? Are they too busy trying to take Christian symbols off of local government seals or something? Sheesh. Oh well, let them be cowards...it makes them look worse.



I heard Newt Gingrich speak at the Nixon Library last Tuesday, and thought what he had to say was really good. His book, Winning the Future, has good points in it. He expanded a bit on a few of them, including patriotism among today's young people and educating immigrants in American culture and things, and the continual removal of God from our society. I think it is important that we teach our young people about our history. Not solely about other countries. There was a sort of live "poll" taken once that was covered by the Fox News Channel, where a person was walking around a college campus, or on the street (darn my memory), and was asking people what the Emancipation Act is. Most people did not know, and one person even guessed by saying "does that have something to do with recycling?". Oh my, our nation is in a baaaad state concerning what our own people know about their own country. One day, our UPS guy asked every customer what the three branches of government were. And surprise: most people didn't know what they were, or they didn't know that there were actually three branches of government! Oh my goodness, this is totally scary! That people in this nation don't know anything about their government or this nation's laws! How on earth are they supposed to know if anything's wrong with the government if they don't know anything about it? *Sighs* Okay, next point. The subtle yet obvious removal of God from our society. Gingrich, in his book, introduces this subject by talking about the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals' decision that declared the words "one nation under God" as unconstitutional. Thank God that it was overruled by the Supreme Court (surprisingly), but that subject just boils my blood. What right do they have to rule that unconstitutional? The Judicial branch exists to enforce the law, not to legislate it; that's the Legislative branch's job. They've completely forgotten (willfully or not) their true place in the government. And now the courts are deciding whether someone should live or not? Man, our judicial system is very messed up. But hey, that reminds me of the Easter message I heard; the ingredients for a miracle include: one mess, a bit of faith, and a really big God. So, there is hope for the judicial system! As long as we have a bit of faith, and trust that our really big God will work a miracle. Like Sayers said in her book, Mind of the Maker, God doesn't create the evil, but He brings good out of the evil situation. And hey, Winning the Future is 34% off and Mind of the Maker is 20% off at Amazon right now! What a coincidence. Haha :}


Quote of the Week...

...before it runs out! Okay, here goes (sorry guys, this only applies to women...well, one never knows):

"I don't work out. If God had intended for me to bend over, He'd have put diamonds on the floor."
--Joan Rivers

Media Influence

You know, one of the reasons that may cause some of this rage is the influence of movies and television. Hmmm...yes, that fits. See, the people (or kids, whatever) see so much of the violence and bad stuff that their mind kind of registers it as okay because they keep watching it (also called: people becoming numb to violence). So, they figure whatever they do is okay, even though if they probably thought about it for a while, they might find it a bit wrong, illogical, non-sensical, whatever you want to call it. So, it's lack of thinking, too much impulse, too much media influence, and not enough beliefs, principles, convictions, and most important: a conscience. Oh well, it sort of seems a hopeless cause. I mean, one can do stuff, but one cannot completely turn around the education system, the media business, and other influences, although one could just press one's case harder....hmmm.......

Rage & Congress

This is totally off-subject from the things I said I would talk about, but I just have to "get this off my chest". Okay, just so I get it straight, those two don't go together, that's just what I'm going to talk about.
Firstly, has anyone noticed the apparent rage in people that has been prominently reported on about every news station across America? "A boy stabs his sister in the arm over a pot-pie"..."A boy shoots his brother because he threw a toy at him" (which is actually a story about anger and gun awareness & safety)...and other stories similar to these. Americans have a clear problem with rage, and I want to know why. Of course, I have come to the conclusion that these cases usually result from a lack of God in this country. I mean, come on, how many times did things like this happen in the forties and fifties? It is a lack of God; He's been removed from almost every where (the ACLU---anti-Christian liberties union---has made sure of that). Yesterday, while in a church bookstore after Bible study, a friend and I noticed that one of 25 ideas of what to do with a Bible (the bookstore was selling Bibles for a dollar each so people could pass them out in different places) was "Challenge your student to give one to a non-Christian student at school". Riiight. That's a major disaster waiting to happen. Isn't that sad that your child could be suspended from school for something like that? Another thing that bugs me is that people will declare the passing out of Bibles in school as "unconstitutional", which really makes me want to become a constitutional lawer...argh. Come on, where does it say THAT in the Constitution? It says the government shall make no law in favor of any religion (i think that's right...). It's really annoying.
Next subject: the Congress. Man, Congress has been on a roll lately...busting the MLB for use of steroids, interfering in the Schiavo case...I mean, this is cool! Is it just a coincidence that this may have come as a result from more Republicans being elected to the Congress and the House? Who knows. But, I applaude them for what they're doing. By the way, where is the ACLU in the Schiavo case? Aren't they the American Civil Liberties Union? Ooh, nevermind. They're civil liberties. So rests my case, well, not really. These cases shall never rest.