
Media Influence

You know, one of the reasons that may cause some of this rage is the influence of movies and television. Hmmm...yes, that fits. See, the people (or kids, whatever) see so much of the violence and bad stuff that their mind kind of registers it as okay because they keep watching it (also called: people becoming numb to violence). So, they figure whatever they do is okay, even though if they probably thought about it for a while, they might find it a bit wrong, illogical, non-sensical, whatever you want to call it. So, it's lack of thinking, too much impulse, too much media influence, and not enough beliefs, principles, convictions, and most important: a conscience. Oh well, it sort of seems a hopeless cause. I mean, one can do stuff, but one cannot completely turn around the education system, the media business, and other influences, although one could just press one's case harder....hmmm.......

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