
me again

Hullo all...

I have finished most of my homework as of this moment (including my RE), so I'm very pleased :}. I'm a bit rusty on writing REs so I'm very glad we get to re-write it (even though I thought the idea was stupid at first).

An evil middle eastern country is going down...soon.

No Foundations updates as of to-day. I must celebrate my homework being finished ^_^. Yeah right...like I'd do that...unless it was for finishing something Hobbes wrote. That would be something to celebrate. I find Hobbes to be...all right. Personally, I liked Locke a HECK of a whole lot better but there are some redeeming qualities to reading Hobbes. One, is that you get to see a different perspective; two is that it stretches your mind to think a bit more (especially if you don't agree with him); three...I'll think of three later ^_^.

over and out

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