

Have you ever heard that song? If you haven't, you must as soon as possible (if you're the romantic type---even if you have slightly romantic tendencies). Nat King Cole sings it, which makes it even more enjoyable. Funny thing about Nat King Cole is that every time I hear him singing, it makes me think of a certain friend; I have no idea why, because I've never heard this friend sing, and he looks like Zeppo Marx (no kidding---he looks pretty similar to him) so I'm pretty puzzled at why my mind brings his face to my eyes...


A dream is a wish your heart makes
When you're fast asleep
In dreams you lose your heartaches
Whatever you wish for, you keep

Have faith in your dreams and someday
Your rainbow will come smiling through
No matter how your heart is grieving
If you keep on believing
the dream that you wish will come true

Except...can we trust our hearts? I mean, is a dream really a wish your heart makes?

Because if so, my heart is
extremely confusing judging by the dream I had this past night...or maybe it's just because I supress certain inclinations of my heart because I think they're hopeless or stupid. Maybe I'm just a confused person. A soul wandering through a mass of ideas, looking for what's right.

Mmm...sometimes I wish I could write poetry. I have written two poems and think they're horrible. But I
am my worst critic (anybody who knows me could tell you that...). You know what, just because I love you guys, I'll post the one I like best (though it isn't quite finished).
(Deja-vu again!...it's been about every other day lately...weirdness...just had to tell you that)

I want to go to a place like this:
A place where a sort of heaven exists
Where your turmoil is exchanged for peace
and your stress is immediately relieved and erased

Some place where your heart is never troubled
Nor ever played with by others
A place somewhere outside this bubble
In which I feel uncontent and smothered

This place, I fear, can never be reached
for it lies at the highest peak
of my mind, where I can but dream 'fore I find
that this place I am at this moment
is the reality I must accept

But there is One who made atonement
for all the turmoil I have caused
and all the heartache I've inflict'd
and that which I have inside kept


over and out

"Take care of your character and your reputation will take care of itself."
(Read Proverbs 22:1)

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