
Good Point

Yesterday in class we discussed an ethical dilemma. If a plane is flying towards a building, the pilot intending to crash into it, should one kill the pilot to save the lives of the people in the building? I answered that question a bit bad (okay, a large bit bad). But while I was answering, I kept thinking that there's got to be a way to say this...because if I say "kill the pilot", that's not really valuing life, is it? and being pro-life, you value all life...but how do you say... . It was extremely perplexing...of course, then we talked about it after class, and Mr. A made a very good point (one which I totally agree with). That you're shooting the plane down, and the saving of the people's lives is just a bi-product of that action, and the pilot in the plane just happens to be there (pleeease say something if I'm not saying this correctly...); it could have been a remote plane for all anybody knows. Intentions, intentions, intentions. I shall never forget it...no consequential arguing (because afterwards I completely realized the mistake of what I said...). It was a very good discussion.

au revoir.

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