
Independence Day


Happy Independence Day!

In honour of this marvelous day (though the only thing that happened on this day was just the signing of the Declaration...not the ending of the Revolutionary War) I have decided to post the American pledge to our flag:

I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America. And to the Republic, for which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.


Independence Day movies are very few and far between, but if you don't mind musicals and like comedy, I would suggest you rent (or even better: buy it!) 1776. It's a wonderful portrayal of Congress' journey towards the writing and signing of the Declaration of Independence. One of my favourite movies, actually, and even people who don't like musicals tend to like this movie.

A quote (one of the many funny ones) from John Adams in response to one of the congressmen objecting to a paragraph in the Declaration that might offend a fellow Englishman:
"This is a Revolution---we're going to have to offend somebody!"
John Adams is one of the greatest characters in 1776. You'll see why if you watch it.

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