
What is this "high blood pressure"?

I repeat what I said before: John Kerry is the biggest hypocrite I've ever seen or heard of in my life (on top of that he's a willfully ill-informed phony). I just got this letter from him, and here's what it says:

The Fourth of July is a time for family, fun and fireworks.

But something happened today that ought to remind everyone what this holiday really symbolizes -- the freedom that makes America great.

That's exactly what hangs in the balance now that Sandra Day O'Connor has resigned from the Supreme Court.

This is no small deal. Over and over, she was the Justice who cast the critical vote in 5-4 cases deciding the most important issues in our nation.

Here's our bottom line for the johnkerry.com community heading into the holiday weekend: we can never let her be replaced by a Justice who does not respect the right to privacy and Roe v. Wade, and who doesn't understand the freedoms protected in our Constitution.

So, this weekend, as you enjoy the Fourth -- take a minute to think about what it means, and come back on Tuesday morning ready to fight for our freedom. It's all at stake now, and we need to come together more than ever.

Get ready,

John Kerry

So America's freedom is at risk because a swing-voter retired from the U.S. Supreme Court? And what "important issues" were those that she voted on? So, basically what he's saying is that America must not let any person but a hardcore liberal into this freshly left seat? And one who understands the freedom protected in our Constitution? What an ass. I'm sorry, but when was the last time he picked up and read a copy of the Constitution? Maybe he's too ashamed because his position as a Senator violates one of the Amendments. And he expects us to "respect" the ruling that's caused millions of deaths in this country since it was decided? Who gives a crap whether or not an "inconvinienced" woman has the right to an abortion? Maybe she shouldn't be fooling around like she does. But seriously, how could someone be so inconvinienced that they're willing to take another person's life in order to solve their trouble? And where is Mr. Kerry now? Why isn't he standing up for the man who's property is being taken away by the city government, because the city will make more money off of it that way? That's a violation of the freedom that the 5th Amendment protects: No person shall "be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation." Man, I wish there was a way to impeach Senators. Concerning abortion, I think it should be a state-to-state decision. That's in line with the 10th Amendment, is it not? "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people." NOT to the Supreme Court. Their job is to put the Constitution into action, not rewrite it.

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