

So, I finally saw "Batman Begins". But considering I that saw it on an IMAX screen, it was definitely worth the wait. The movie completely platinum-plated my already concrete love for Batman (my second favourite superhero! w00t! go batman! and what a coincidence that Batman's love interest is named Rachel...). It was everything I expected and more! The action was wonderful, the script was great, and the acting was awesome. Unfortunately, I've only seen this one and "Batman & Robin", and I'll have to say that comparing George Clooney as Batman/Bruce Wayne to Christian Bale as Batman/Bruce Wayne, Clooney sucks and Bale rocks. Sorry George, but you weren't very good as Bruce Wayne or Batman (my opinion). One of the many things I really liked about this movie, that sets it apart from all the other superhero movies, was the fact that when Bruce Wayne was being Batman, he changed his voice. This was a very important novelty to me, because I always thought "there must be something wrong with all these people because they never recognize his voice!". That satisfied me, along with the rest of the movie. Gary Oldman was great as Gordon and Michael Caine was wonderful as Alfred. Although it was interesting how they portrayed Scarecrow...probably true to his comic-book character, but I tended to identify him with the Scarecrow who's in the Legion of Doom on Superfriends. Ah, the memories. Just kidding, I'm not old enough for that but I'll have to say that I like Superfriends a heck of a lot better than the Justice League. It's way too dramatic. Oooh, which brings me to say that I completely loved the cartoon Batman that they played on Cartoon Network in the 90's!!! Did any of you watch that? It was the coolest Batman show I've ever seen! Well, not cooler than the 60's Batman TV show---about equal I'd say (on different levels of course---one's comedy and the other's drama). Don't give me any of this Batman Forever crap, man, just give me Batman! And something I noticed in Batman Begins was that Bruce Wayne's "Batman voice" sounded strangely similar to the guy who voiced Batman in that same cartoon show. But going back to Batman Begins (whoa, rabbit-trailed there!)---I will definitely be buying this when it comes out!

Over and out

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